Big Bear Lake Vacation Rental Renewal

We hope this message finds you well.

It is that time of the year for your vacation permit to be renewed.
We will be submitting your renewal application soon but the City of Big Bear Lake is now requiring us to attach a copy of your homeowner insurance declaration page.
Could you please email this to us immediately via

NOTE: The city requires you to renew your insurance no later than 45 days before the expiration date.


Please keep in mind you need to have the following included in your homeowner’s insurance policy:

-at least $500,000 in liability(we highly recommend $1M if your home is 2000 sq ft or more OR multiple decks OR multiple stairs).
-Must be listed as a vacation rental NOT a second home.
-have Destination Big Bear, LLC, PO Box 4351 Big Bear Lake CA 92315 additionally insured to the declaration page.
We must receive your homeowner insurance declaration page before we can submit your renewal application so please send it to us right away.

Thank you for your time and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns please reach to Denise at: